i wash dishes and fuck bitches
Age 25, Male
somewhere in upstate NY
Joined on 4/12/14
VicariousE 2015-12-09 17:08:33
He's really quite clever in almost everything he does.. though I disagree with his approach to Newgrounds, the dude has to delegate more (day-to-day/mundane) stuff to other people
Git er dun Tom :(
solamander 2015-12-09 17:08:33
sounds like he needs to be overthrown
Fenny 2015-12-09 17:43:24
nuuuu u insult the fulp
solamander 2015-12-09 17:43:24
i got eeeeeeeeeeeeeem
He's really quite clever in almost everything he does.. though I disagree with his approach to Newgrounds, the dude has to delegate more (day-to-day/mundane) stuff to other people
Git er dun Tom :(
sounds like he needs to be overthrown